They are brain dead. The brother giving the talk Sunday said
how terrible and sad the situation is in Haiti with all of the
suffering and death. What does he think it is going to be
like when not 50,000 people die but 6,000,000,000 die?
Sour Grapes
this is probably not going to come out right but when jw's look at the news and images from haiti and i do believe their hearts are touched by it (for the most part) why don't they connect their 'unified' vision of the big a with this much smaller scale catastrophe?
shouldn't it be kind of like a preview for them of just what they are in fact looking forward to?.
my apologies if you find the question heartless but considering they believe 99% of the population will be destroyed and they will 'help' clean up after the big a it's a valid question in my opinion..
They are brain dead. The brother giving the talk Sunday said
how terrible and sad the situation is in Haiti with all of the
suffering and death. What does he think it is going to be
like when not 50,000 people die but 6,000,000,000 die?
Sour Grapes
"treasure your place in the congregation.".
dozy did this exercise previously but i thought paragraph 5 was worth looking at agan.. let's change the perspective to the first person:.
"the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience" is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe.
The only people who say that they are not in a
cult are those who are in a cult.
Sour Grapes
The Witnesses make the great tribulation sound so painless. They use terms like:
When God cleanses the earth, when God brings an end to this old system,
when a 1,000 years of peace begins, when paradise finally gets here, when
God wipes away the wicked, etc. It sounds so clean and neat and sterile.
The only problem is, look at Haiti, there will be no running water, no electricity,
no cell phones, food in freezes will be no good in about a week, no air conditioning,
no heat, no washers and dryers, no cars (unless God makes the gas flow out
of the underground storage tanks) And one more thing 6 billion dead men,
women, children, babies and a lot of dead animals. The stench is going to
be horrific. They will be busy a long time burying bodies, then building those
pretty houses that you see in the Watchtower without power tools. Unless
they generate electricity by burning coal, but then you have to dig up coal,
but then you need heavy machininery, but then you need big polluting companies
to make the equipment, and hot and dirty steel mills, foundries, forge shops,
and you need the bosses and workers. It sounds like what we have now.
Maybe we are are already in Paradise. Maybe the Witnesses were right
and the end came in 1975. Ah, free at last!
Sour Grapes
"treasure your place in the congregation.".
dozy did this exercise previously but i thought paragraph 5 was worth looking at agan.. let's change the perspective to the first person:.
"the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience" is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe.
Another brother said that Jehovah dropped our
Tuesday night meeting so that we could have the
family worship night because the Faithful Slave
knows how important it is to study.
Sour Grapes
"treasure your place in the congregation.".
dozy did this exercise previously but i thought paragraph 5 was worth looking at agan.. let's change the perspective to the first person:.
"the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience" is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe.
One brother even commented that the Slave has given
us a new song book and we do not want to show resistance
to learning the new songs. My brain began to bleed.
Sour Grapes
"treasure your place in the congregation.".
dozy did this exercise previously but i thought paragraph 5 was worth looking at agan.. let's change the perspective to the first person:.
"the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience" is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe.
A comment was made at our hall today that if we do not
follow the instructions of the channel that God is using that
it will mean our deaths.
Sour Grapes
What will the Witnesses do at the Great Tribulation when there
is great devastation with buildings being colapsed with people
being buried alive and crying for help. Will the Witnesses help
the people out of the rubble or let them die since it was God's
war? How will they know if the people crying for help are not
JW's and not wicked wordly people? Will the Watchtower Society
bring in the bulldozer's and medical assistance to help the wounded
Witnesses or perhaps their wounds will heal them selves instantly.
With about 7 millions Witnesses to bury 6 billion people there is
going to be a lot of bodies to dispose of. In Haiti those pour
souls are putting toothpaste in their noses to help cover the smell
of the rotting flesh of the dead and that is only for 200,000 dead.
What will 6 billion dead smell like? That is going to take a lot of tooth paste.
The Witnesses better put extra tooth paste in their survival bags.
Sour Grapes
i almost missed this in my last post, but i just realized how important and must list it.
paragraph 14 from jan 15, 2010 wt last article entitled "jehovah's way of ruling vindicated".
"a few anointed members of "the israel of god" still remain, and as jesus' brothers, they continue to act as "ambassadors substituting for christ (2 cor 5:20) they have been appointed as a faithful and discreet slave class to care for and provide spiritual food for annointed ones and a growing crowd of christians, who now include millions having the hope of living on earth forever.
The light is getter brighter and brighter and gooder and gooder.
Sour Grapes
in todays watchtower study the picture on page 10.a family is having a study.where is the bible.any one else see this.sorry i don't have a scanner.
" enrich your prayers through bible study"jan 4-10.
The Bible was written to support the Watchtower.
Sour Grapes